Midwest Grooming Supplies > Clippers > Double K 401 Variable Speed Clipper
Double K 401 Variable Speed Clipper  The Double K 401 Clipper delivers beautiful, professional
results. The handpiece stays cool in the hand, allowing
for hours of continuous clipping. The motor is located
away from the handpiece so it is quiet and powerful.
Clipper streaks are virtually eliminated because of the
motor speed and the greater range of blade motion.

Accepts all A-5 style detachable blades from Andis,
Conair, & Wahl. Clipper is available in a belt-mounted,
wall mounted or table mount configurations.
All units are variable speed.

Cable lengths can be made from 6' to 20',
7' is standard. Wide range of speeds from
200 to 9000 Strokes Per Minute.

Motor has a three year warranty, one year limited
warranty covers the balance of the unit.

Optional handpieces are available which can convert
the clipper to polisher for hooves or leather.

Weight60.00 lbs.
Price: $450.00

Cable Length

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